Tuesday 2 March 2021

d6x6 Automatic Infantry

Inspired by the generatiors of the cursed and ineffable Semiurge.


One thing I have wholesale nicked from Eberron is a giant, magic powered WW1 equivalent.

My Warforged equivalent, the Daedali, were around before, but their history is inextricable from the War of the Ruins due to their en-masse conscription, and the building of Daedali factories for Built to Order soldiers. 

They were exclusively employed by the Eastern Federation forces (the Nevechi cities) against the Coalition forces (the Zymani and Surammar cities, plus the Nevechi city of Tindav). 

A unit of Daedali would be referred to as ‘Automatic Infantry’, in military jargon. 

Here’s some Daedali that are still fighting, out in Zymech’s torn and haunted fields. Fighting who? Who knows: 


Here's the lists used in the generator:

Unit Quirk:

  1. The commander of this unit wears the skull of the unit's former human sergeant around their neck. They heard about the Daedalus Uprising and took their chance.
  2. This unit aren't wearing Federation uniforms, but Coalition ones. It's a long story. 
  3. This unit ride the short-lived 'autohorses' - unstable mechanical horses with only the most rudimentary construct intelligence, and terrible balance.
  4. This unit all ride around in a military autocar. They come barrelling out the door like a clown-car.
  5. Individual unit members have necklaces of rotten ears and fingers.
  6. Members all wear extremely gauche hats they found. They talk in imitation of high society.

Unit Role:
  1. Paratroopers - Inbuilt Feather Fall spell.
  2. Infiltrators - Inbuilt Disguise Self spell.
  3. Shock Troopers - Inbuilt Fear spell.
  4. Frontliners - Inbuilt Scorching Ray spell. 
  5. Base Guards - Inbuilt Alarm spell.
  6. Commandos - Inbuilt Invisibility spell.

Unit Symbol:
  1. Golden gear on a red shield.
  2. Silver knife crossed by a golden rifle.
  3. Human skull with a black gear in the background.
  4. White triangle on a red square.
  5. Silver horse on a black pentagon.
  6. Three interlocking white gears.

Unique Armaments:
  1. Hexers - Rifles that fire necrotic bolts.
  2. Tzows - Unstable 'rifles' that fire force bolts.
  3. Magic swords - mass produced, no specific bonuses beyond bypassing resistances.
  4. Crableg Cannon - Heavy war construct with six segmented legs and a vis-cannon. About as smart as a dog, and treated like a family pet by the unit.
  5. Clatter Grenades - Banned grenades designed to burst eardrums and deafen permanently.
  6. Hunter Shard - Just one, in a sealed case. A long, very sharp sliver of enchanted metal. Seeks someone out and attempts to fly into their heart and kill them.

Unit Commander:
  1. Hammer Five - Boisterous. Old model blank faceplate. Built before the War and conscripted. This is his fifth body.
  2. Scrap - Suffers from PTSD. Hates violence, but doesn't trust the world enough to put down their gun. Built To Order for the battlefields.
  3. Wisdom Everlasting - Kind, friendly. Faceplate mangled off by shrapnel, revealing metallic 'skull' underneath. Part of the First Generation, personally constructed by Dalus of Athrun himself.
  4. Lost Boots - Built before the War. Uncanny valley human face-plate, polished to a mirror sheen. Quite vain, very neat uniform. Comedian and crack shot.
  5. Grenadier - Screaming engine of destruction. Demands combat - if his unit are friendly, they might literally hold him back. Uses two swords and no gun. Unique demon face plate. Built to Order. 
  6. The Infernal Engine - Wears a black oilskin cowl. Origin unclear. Faceplate lit from behind by Hellfire. Has a number of Hellpacts - a chuckling imp lounges on his shoulder. Wants to destroy the city of Nethelos.

Why are they still fighting?:
  1. Daedali are built for war. It would be unholy to do anything else.
  2. There's a new war on: The War of Daedali Liberation.
  3. Not much else to do, is there?
  4. Commander has a mad vendetta.
  5. Objective from the war remains incomplete. Task-fulfilment stubbornness keeps them fighting.
  6. War hasn't ended, truce or no. This is a view shared by many 'organics', funnily enough.

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