Thursday 3 October 2024

Shake My Hand (Secret Societies of Penny Dreadfuls)

 A random selection of some of the many secret societies active on the “Earth” of Penny Dreadfuls, around the year 1860. 

Cult of the Red Comet

Worship the Divine genius of Gaius Julius Caesar (the original one), and the red comet which signified his divinity. A wealthy and secretive cult with a wayward moral compass and little hesitation to employ the knife or the gun. Members blame the loss of imperium for the state of the world, adopt new members by a patron-client system, follow what they think are Roman social norms, and duel for honour. 

Based In: Rome, Ravenna, Istanbul

Symbols: Red comet on black, civic crown, headless eagle. 

Membership: Men over 30 possessing vir

Secret Magic: The power of imperium and a ritual to empower the personal genius

Wants: To restore the Roman Empire. 

By: Political subversion and the resurrection of the divine Caesar. 

And Also: To destroy Christianity. 

Society of Stellar Rays

Growing out of the Dar al-Hikmah, the House of Wisdom in Cairo, and inspired by the works of the scholar al-Kindi, this is a society of pious scholar-sorcerors studying the relations of the occult and the hidden to the measurable and the scientific. Members question everything, engage in cross-continental play-by-post strategy games, and build up fortified “palaces” of knowledge and curiosity which they rarely leave. They are staunch supporters of Sa’id Pasha, the current Wali of Egypt, despite his difficult reign. 

Based In: The entire Ottoman Empire, but especially Cairo, Istanbul, Baghdad 

Symbols: Star radiating five rays downwards, Arabic calligram of a dove, Impossible geometries. 

Membership: Muslim men of proven scholarly skill and education. 

Secret Magic: Long-distance communication via ray (i.e., magic radio), analysis of the body via rays (i.e., magic x-ray imaging). 

Wants: To solve the puzzle of the world. 

By: Study, exploration, astrology. 

And Also: To maintain peace inside the borders of the Ottoman Empire. 

Weishaupt Library of the Invisible Sciences

The actual Weishaupt was two years dead by the time this secretive organisation was convened at the Hambacher Fest, beginning with a mission of rationalism and human liberation but near-instantly corrupted by the figures brought in to establish the society. Members all meet at the physical library building, a nondescript old place near a beer hall in Ingolstadt, all regard sorcery as simply an unexplained science, and all desire to reshape the world in their image. 

Based In: Bavaria, the Palatinate, and Southern Germany, especially Ingolstadt.

Symbols: Pyramid with an eye on it, outline of a hand, muted post-horn. 

Membership: European men over the age of 40 with University Degrees.

Secret Magic: None, yet.

Wants: To expand the influence of their overarching organisation, the Illuminati

By: Political subversion and imperialism. 

And Also: They plan to eventually rule the world. 

Maison Benie

An organisation of mages formed to prevent internecine strife some time in the reign of Charles the Fat. An original mission-statement was protecting Christendom against Viking raiders, but this quickly fell apart into simply protecting their own interests. Weathered the Revolution with surprising adroitness and sangfroid, perhaps due to an unaccountably egalitarian tendency within their own ranks dating back all the way to the founding. Members prefer to live in the countryside, but gather in cities to organise local chapters. Members attend secret masses (they’re Catholic), are forbidden to wear armour, and are forbidden entry to both Heaven and Hell. 

Based In: Most of France, but especially La Rochelle, Nantes and OrlĂ©ans. They have a few weak branches on the eastern seaboard of America and in Louisiana. 

Symbols: A rhombus containing a blue cross, an angel carrying a book and a lantern, a blue-and-black bee. 

Membership: Any descendant of the founders of the order. 

Secret Magic: Wisdom of the orders of the sylphs and lesser angels. A specialisation in warding magic. 

Wants: To maintain their occult primacy in France. 

By: Crushing lesser magicians’ societies, poaching the promising members thereof, and banishing the rest to Hell or Faerie. 

And Also: To find a spell to bind and summon Metatron, the scribe of God. 

Cult of Ba’al Hanni

Claim to follow the path of the “Gracious Lord” and his blood oath to destroy Rome. Rome has taken on many shapes, like a chameleon, but it must be followed and stamped out - even if there is great power left in the carcass. Members view Rome as the earthly expression of the cosmic force of Evil, participate in worship of Tanit, swear oaths to each other in burnt blood, and swear sobriety. 

Based In: Barcelona, Tarragona, Perpignan. 

Symbols: Sign of Tanit, elephant skull, hand with a cut across the palm. 

Membership: Any “non-Roman” adult (a flexible category). 

Secret Magic: Elephants in unexpected places.

Wants: To destroy the surviving Romes: that is, the Vatican, the British Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the USA. 

By: Targeted assassination, blood curses, and building a secret army. 

And Also: To gain political control of Iberia. 

Pastoral Clergy of St. Easter

A german organisation, a pagan fertility cult disguised as a charitable Christian institution helping the rural poor. Fat apple-cheeked men and women of respectable character dancing naked and blood-daubed in dark patches of woodland under the watchful eyes of giant stags and boar-sows. They claim the name of their patron saint is a coincidental similarity to the old goddess, and have a convincing fake hagiography to deploy when necessary. Members live as country gentlefolk, report everything to the heads of the order, and have been known to fall prey to the hungrier kind of ancient god. 

Based In: Prussia, especially the Altmark, and Southern Denmark. 

Symbols: Horned man with a comedy phallus, victorian depictions of Eostre making saintly gestures, a boar carrying a crucifix in its mouth. 

Membership: Local people who have not been a member of any other secret society, and have had at least one child. 

Secret Magic: Animal transformations, uncommon births, bursts of terrible strength. 

Wants: Ecstatic communion with nature, personal animalistic power.

By: Dark ritual and wizard sacrifice (which they say isn’t really human sacrifice, because all the gods hate sorcerers).

And Also: The so-called “druidic seditionists” of the British Isles hate their guts.

Banu Qabisi 

Claim to be the literal descendants of Al-Qabisi, an astrologer and mathematician (known as Alcabitius in Europe) of the 900s. Use his good name for little good themselves, being primarily materialistic and interested in territory. Their cult-relation to the ancient god Amurru is a quid-pro-quo - they need a patron, and he needs prayer. Members live in as much opulence as they can manage, never leave Aleppo when they can avoid it, and meet in their own private “mosque”, actually a temple to Amurru. 

Based In: Aleppo

Symbols: Geomantic figures, turtle with a candle on its back, gazelle made of topaz. 

Membership: Members of the families of the Banu Qabisi. 

Secret Magic: Blessings of the ancient Amorite national deity Amurru, and a grab-bag of powerful curses powered by Dagon, Lilith, Astarte and others. 

Wants: Security, peace and tithes for Amurru. 

By: Keeping other wizards out of Aleppo. 

And Also: They have contact with ancient plaster-white fossil-liches of some nameless civilisation buried far under Aleppo, even predating the Amorites. 

Burning Convent of St. Barbara

A heterodoxical movement founded some time among the fervour of the Crusades, though their precise origin is not well recalled. Demon-hunting nuns in sturdy boots, who go about their business with high-explosives and zweihanders, then vanish into the night having left a cratered path of heavenly justice behind them. Members are, of course, nuns, recruited from other convents in secret. Their convents are hidden beyond magical flames or atop inaccessible mountains. 

Based In: Jerusalem, Rome, Istanbul, Madrid and Boston. 

Symbols: Flaming grenado, crossed hammer and pick, jerusalem cross. 

Membership: Nuns with a desire to oppose the Devil. 

Secret Magic: Flaming swords and lightning bullets. Holy artillery. 

Wants: To send every demon back to Hell and keep them there. 

By: Bigger and bigger explosions. 

And Also: Spend their time preparing to blow up the Antichrist when he tries it. 

Reclusive Sisterhood of Vestia Cistercium 

A small and secretive club emulating the Vestal Virgins (well, in some ways), they desire to unify Europe under their firm and Roman hand. Very hard at work, and believe fully in the syncretism of Roman ideals with Liberté, Egalité, Sororité. Have a slightly dizzying influence in political affairs, albeit confined to the locality of Dijon, but their steady and diligent expansion will surely see them soon ruling Europe. They are being courted for an allegiance by the Illuminati.

Based In: Dijon and Citeaux. 

Symbols: Sun disc, burning heart, hooded woman carrying an iron rod. 

Membership: Unmarried women of confirmed means. 

Secret Magic: Command of spirits of fire, sovereignty-hearth magic. 

Wants: To restore the Roman Empire, but this time under the rule of women and Sol Invicta. 

By: Political subversion, solar prophecy and careful arson. 

And Also: They’re seeking a good candidate for an Empress. Know anyone up to the job?


A society found among Spanish prisons and criminals, said to have once done the dirty work of the Inquisition (though their working relationship is long since passed). They are very disparate, with different groups lead by different bosses working to different ends for different people. Their only unifying traits are their anti-authority stance, their brothership amongst each other, and their speaking of the secret language called Germania (an archaic word meaning brotherhood in Catalan - no relation to the Germans). 

Based In: Toledo and Madrid

Symbols: A handshake hot like iron, an “X” scraped under a crude depiction of the Virgin Mary, a drawing of a stone-marten.

Membership: Spanish criminals who have spent at least ten years in prison. 

Secret Magic: Forbidden demonic blacksmithing (allegedly) or the protection of the Mater Dolorosa (allegedly). 

Wants: Money, and power. 

By: Organised crime!

And Also: The Devil is said to be a patron of some groups of Garduña, though they keep trying to foolishly cheat him. 

Cult of Remus

Have long outlived the Roman Empire they sought to subvert and replace, but remain a staunch champion of the downtrodden - and staunch assassin of the powerful. The lucky are blessed by the gods, so said the old sages, so we’d better get rid of them to spread the luck around for the rest of us poor bastards. Members are ejected if they ever rise to a position of power, are sworn to murder the mighty, and move by night under the protection of Luna. 

Based In: Scattered around Italy and Switzerland. 

Symbols: Grinning death’s head, mourning wolf and young man’s corpse, broken bundle of sticks. 

Membership: Women, eunuchs and slaves. 

Secret Magic: Invisibility and lycanthropy. 

Wants: A better world.

By: Shocking violence and massacre worthy of any Penny Dreadful. 

And Also: Can get you into the Roman Underworld, even though it shut its gates a long time ago. 

Friday 5 July 2024

Spell Catalysts

(Art by Zezhou Chen)

Here’s an idea that struck me - I like metamagic and I like magic instruments (cf. my Wonder Worker), so I’ve been pondering how I might implement these things.

Here are catalysts.

The first eight are from something I’ve been noodling at, the last four are from Aclas.

The thing to keep in mind is that Catalysts have HP. Presumably a fighter can hit your Catalyst with a manuever, or a called shot, or what have you. Regardless, they also lose HP in the following cases:
  • In the MD paradigm,
    Catalysts lose 2* [highest] HP on a double/Mishap, and 3*[highest] on a triple/Doom.
  • In the Spell Points paradigm 
    Catalysts lose HP when [cost] is higher than [level], losing HP equal to the difference. (i.e., casting a 2nd Level Spell with 5SP deals 3 damage to the Catalyst).
In both cases, the Catalyst gives the caster its Backlash effect, (perhaps with a save?) if it drops to 0HP for any reason. Backlash lasts, say, a Season, or perhaps a month - fine tuning required.

Volatile Catalysts are gone when they drop to 0HP, otherwise, once their HP is restored, they can be used again.

These ones are for MD…
  1. Meian PalebranchA hefty, pallid branch, partially translucent, broken from the boughs of Meia Seda, Tree of New Life. Clear sap glistens where the soft, pliable bark has split like skin. (3 Slots)
    +4 [sum] for spells related to Plants or Flesh, or to spells cast within the borders of Meia Seda.
    Backlash: Pervasive Lethargy. 13HP (Heals 3HP per day immersed in freshwater, but poisons the water it’s immersed in.)

  2. Moonstone Polished stone of marbled indigo and black, surrounded by mist. Blends into shadow. (1 Slot).
    +5[sum] for spells related to Evasion, Illusion and Darkness. Cannot cast spells related to Fire and Light.
    Backlash: Invisibility. 6HP. (Can only be repaired by Lunar Clergy).

  3. First Sun RelicA heavy, leafless branch of coppery wood, resplendent with fiery light and covered all over in gleaming droplets of amber, in which are suspended the golden insects of earlier times. (3 Slots). 
    Allows the use of the Lingering Spell Metamagic. +2[sum] for Fire, Light and Life Spells.(Lingering Spell - Increase any mentioned time unit in a spell by one step: Second > Minute > Hour > Day > Week > Month > Year > Decade > Century > Millenium).
    Backlash: Total Dendrification. 20HP (Regenerates 2HP at Dawn).

  4. Naran Bellstaff A heavy staff, made of lunar alloy and pockmarked with holes – it is a hollow tube, open at the top, and, when focused upon, levitates by the caster’s side – ready to be rung. (3 Slots).
    +3 [sum] to all Sound-related spells. Further +3 [sum] to all spells when stationary, levitating and focused upon to the exclusion of all else. When saving against harmful sound based effects (siren’s song, suggestion spells, fear-inducing screech) save with a +6 bonus.
    Backlash: Deafness. 18HP (Requires a Bellmaker to repair).

  5. Glass KnifeA triangular blade of blue-green glass, with a Lunar rune of concealment scraped into it. An implement of secret society magi. (1 Slot).
    +6[sum] when casting spells on those unaware of your presence. Also a light weapon.
    Backlash: Face-blindness. 3HP. Volatile.

  6. Scabrous MaskBones, reeky hide and animal teeth. Bone slats give the eyes a compound look. Found among the darker elements of the Weserian clans, among whom it is said the god of plague was born. (2 Slots carried, 0 worn).
    +6[sum] to all spells when the caster has an illness and is suffering the symptoms. +2[dice] to all spells when the caster has 3 or less HP.
    Backlash: Vomiting. 9HP (Can be repaired by anyone with a sewing kit and a few animal bones).
  7. Shed DragonhornA branched white antler, as tall as a man – most are marbled through with thin streaks of bright colour, like red, gold or blue. The tines are still wickedly sharp. (3 slots)
    +5[sum] for spells related to Fire, Water and Pride. Will not cast spells for the self-effacing, humble or cowardly. Acts of reckless bravery add +3[dice] to the next spell cast with the Dragonhorn as a Catalyst. Also serves as a crude medium weapon.
    Backlash: Scale-growth (Permanent) and Heavy Burns. 13HP (Can only be healed by a Dragon Apothecary.)

  8. Holy Eclipse StaffA tall, thin staff of ebony, atop which stands a silver disc clutched in an arc of reddish mahogany. The disc is polished to pure reflectivity. (3 slots)
    +3 [sum] to all Light and Darkness spells. Allows the caster to Reverse Spells.
    Backlash: Radiating Darkness. 12HP (Can be repaired by a carpenter, whitesmith and solar priest working together.)

And the Aclan Catalysts, in theory designed for Spell Points…

In this case, I’ve felt the need to add [result], which is the number in the [cost] box after you’ve spent any SP you’re going to spend on the spell, in order to not have it seem like the Catalysts make the spells more expensive - then again, there could be design space there…

This Spell Points stuff is still in early days, I’ll admit.

  1. Phosphoryllium Powder A loose handful of glowing powder, doubtless salvaged from the cracked internal chamber of a vis-powered phoslamp. Common tool of a shitty wizard. (0 Slots)
    Glows brightly whenever SP is spent by the holder, a minute per SP spent. +1[result] to Light spells.
    Backlash: Bright Flash (Like the Flash of a Heliograph Camera). 1HP. Volatile.

  2. Malediar RodHeavy rod of shimmering, volatile red metal - the so-called “Silver of Hell”. (2 slots)
    +6 [result] to all spells. Deals thaumoradiation damage to the caster equal to the spell’s [level].
    Backlash: Violent Explosion. 10HP (Can be healed with a metal forge and more malediar). Volatile.

  3. Psycho-alcazarA weighty crown of pinkish crystal, malediar and gold, with diamond eyeshields on little folding arms. A work of the ancient era of great magic, created by the Church of the Maker to empower their trusted magi. (1 Slot)
    When worn, +4 to mental Saves. +2 [result] and +1[level] to mental spells
    Backlash: Mental Breakdown. 20HP (Can currently only be repaired by angels).

  4. Portable Lightning LoomA backpack-sized version of the famous magical machine which made Muscar an international technological leader - well, centuries ago before the Wilds took it, anyway. A casing of brass, teak and gold, all fizzing malediar wires and clicking copper gears, built around heavy storage tanks full of chemical goo saturated with heavy metals. (4 Slots)
    +4 [result] to electrical spells. During a thunderstorm, the Loom can extract atmospheric energy, storing 1d6SP per 10 minutes of operation. The Loom can store up to 15SP for the use of the caster.
    Backlash: Catastrophic Anbaric Discharge (Save vs. Death). 12HP (Irreparable).

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Cartographical Phantoms (Atlantic Islands for Penny Dreadfuls)


March 29th, 1860

Finding your way to the phantom islands is nearly impossible - you can only get to Hybrasil with a guiding spell or a sea-compass from Ys, and (these days) you can only get to the others with Hybrasil as a reference. The old trick of getting lost and washing up there mostly has a habit of sending people to Cuba, these days - another of Columbus’ fuckups. 

Fortunately, Christopher Columbus is burning in Hell. 

Hybrasil is the most famous of the phantom islands - “nearby” to it are Satanazes, Mayda and Antillia. Then, farther to the west, Avalon, then farther than that, the Fortunate Isles, Anqa’s Nest and the Garden of the Hesperides - then on to Bermuda and the New World. 


Antillia is a small archipelago where the culture is still Visigothic and the language is still Gothic. Antillia is called “the island of seven cities”, though each is barely a town by the standards of Victorian Britain.

About a twentieth of the size of Ireland, Antillia is densely populated, for a phantom island, with a fervently Christian population. Their Christianity is an unusual, Pre-Cluniac, Pre-Second-Nicene sort of Christianity - a living fossil. The British Empire have struggled to class them as Protestant or Roman Catholic, and therefore have struggled to settle on a level of disdain for the colony-in-waiting. All that protects Antilia from the bloody lion’s paw is that, in their base materialism, the British have awful trouble navigating the phantom seas. 

The thing one must be aware of when visiting Antillia is the immortals who sold themselves to the Devil. They hang in high gibbets, two each in six of the harbours, and their captain Heldebald high above the great pier of Cyodne, the largest of the towns. Heldebald curses and gibbers in Gothic and a language that will only later be recognised as the American English of the 2050s. He is regularly haunted by demons, and his cage is surrounded by hundreds of crucifixes made of gold and greened copper, hanging like fruit from the branches of a tree of chains. It is prophesied he will someday be king of Antillia, and his fellow immortals will sit with him around a king’s table that is all edges, and supported by spinal columns. The Antillian monasteries, of course, have no particular plan to allow this to happen before Judgement Day. 

The last surviving base of the Knights Templar is secreted on an islet just off of Antillia called Royllo, though they and the locals are beginning to grow tired of each other. Payens Castle is a gigantic concentric fortification from an age where one could say “Christendom” and mean it. The wealth inside its halls is immense - did you know about 9-in-10 members of The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (their full name) were not in fact knights, and instead proto-bankers? Well, Payens Castle is a symbol of Christian might, and also the only bank that will willingly hold fairy money. It serves as a clearing-house for nephilim, elves and the shadier angels. Before you ask - it is, in fact, hard to rob a bank guarded by literal Knights Templar with magic swords and Colt M1836 Patersons. 


By the standards of phantom islands, Satanazes is huge - about a fifth of the size of Ireland. 

There are no widely available maps of the interior of Satanazes - the coasts of it are entirely harsh cliffs, surrounded by skerries, reefs and sandbanks. 

The British Empire has only been able to locate Satanazes once, during the disastrous 1801 expedition - led there by a Hybran ship. The HMS Triton, a Mars-class ship of the line from the Secret Navy, ran aground on the rocks - the fate of the crew of the Triton is unknown, but the British government assumes the Satanazian locals have killed them and stolen the occult sovereignty device they were carrying to try and anchor the island to colonisable geographical coordinates.  

The Satanazians are referred to as “woses”, often - they are furred and towering, but seem to otherwise be human. They speak an inexplicable derivative of Gaelic laced heavily with fairy-distorted Catalan (many fairies speak Catalan, after some Majorcan navigators got swept into the Otherworld and were kept for 250 years teaching their language).

The Satanazians favour elfshot, weaponry of flint and bone, and pure lightning which the Hybrans claim they catch from the sky at the top of tall trees. Their buildings, such that have been seen, are startling achievements in wooden architecture, huge balconied towers leaping up among the oaks and the black Satanazian aspens (populus diabolus). The Hybrans suspect them to be of the same kind as the old Fir Bolg, the men with bags, who once had Eire’s hand. 

“Satanazian weather” is a common shorthand in the Secret Navy for the kind of weather that can kill you if you stand in it. Golf-ball hailstones, sheets of rain, sudden 130mph windflaws - in Satanazes, the sky is hungry. 


On Mayda, the people are Guanche, who sailed here from Tenerife in the days when you could. Most of them wear at least one live snake somewhere on their person, which are deadly venomous, but will never bite them. Priests wear only snakes, in place of hairpins, clothing, or even armour. The Hybrans like to claim that when St. Padraig drove the snakes out of ireland, they all swam to Mayda. 

Mayda is a small crescent island, volcanic and rocky, which is almost paradisiacal in its lushness. The few British sailors who have made it here assumed it at first to be the Garden of Eden. That assumption was helped by the snakes, which sleep in every trumpet-leafed shrub and slither through the thatching-brambles.

The largest creature on the island, except for man, is the Maydan sheep (ovis acutodon) - block-bodied, mean, and vegetarian except in the case of snakes - their thick, armour-like wool protects them from venom’d fangs, so they wade into heaving piles of mating snakes in the hot Maydan spring, and set about devouring the serpents with hard chisel teeth.  

On the western shore, the outer side of the crescent, there grow great coniferous “caltrop trees” (palissya maidus), which are found nowhere else. The cones of these trees fall from the branches and spiral down through the air, a weighted spike burying them in the ground - or in an unfortunate sheep, or incautious human. The top of the cone is covered in sharp protrusions, meaning where they fall, few can step. 

The Maidans bury their dead in these trees, cutting open a wedge and placing the corpse inside. Within two years, the bark retains the body, within fifteen, all that remains are skulls and tibias poking out among the needles and branches. The trees preserve the dead, and the Maydans love them, but they fight a battle with the palissyas, keeping them confined in the west, lest the whole island be choked out by them and their warlike cones. Mayda’s only export, to the Hybrans, is the wood of the palissya, which is fragrant, grows straight, and is near impossible to work by conventional carpenting. Hybran fairy magic turns the logs into the keels of their drakkars. 

The mencey of Mayda, a man called Tinerfe, knows quite well what happened in the Canary Islands. He doesn’t trust Europeans as far as he can throw them - which, admittedly, with his immense strength, is quite far. He has tested his throw, in fact, on at least one Spanish adventurer who did not watch his tongue. Tinerfe has a great palace made of palissya wood, but sleeps on the floor inside the shrine to the mother-of-the-sun Chaxiraxi, who protects Mayda from the perfidious Hybrans and their devil-loving masters in Britain. 


The people of Hybrasil are the UĂ­ Breasail, a clan who first settled out here in the 200s BC, but passed ships back and forth with Ulster all the way until the 1650s. After that, their policy became isolationist, until the British Empire arrived here in 1795, and did as they do best. The Hybrans would not be pleased to hear of Tinerfe’s assessment that the Europeans are their “masters” - especially not after what they did to the previous governor. 

Fairy blood is common, and many families have a mirror-family in the Otherworld, with whom they swap a human wain for a fairy one, for a period no longer than a year and a day - much better than the old changeling kidnap system, the fairy child gets to learn a little empathy from the apes, and the human child gets to learn a little magic and a dash of madness from the sidhe. 

The Gaels aren’t the only people who have settled Hybrasil - on the west coast of the island, there are villages speaking Mi'kmaq, and Euskara in the south. The ruins of the Portuguese fort looms high on Aisling’s Head, the cliffs in the southeast. The fairy-tortured ghosts of the Portuguese serve as a fearful omen to the implements of the British colonial government in Hybrasil - what they have earned is coming to them. 

0105 - St. Brigid’s Nunnery - An immense clochar, stony and cold, far too massive in size to host even the four hundred nuns of the convent on the island. St. Brigid’s is built over tombs predating Breasail habitation of the island, and the lower levels of the great building are not at all built for human use. Here is practised a sort of Columban Gaelic Christianity, which is fiercely careful not to stumble into any sort of syncretism, and fiercely pleased to say that each nun here carries a handgun, should she have need of it to shoot the Devil. 

0203 - Killuntrae - Across the sound from St. Brigid’s, stands a much newer, more open place - a small village built around twinned churches called St. Athanasius’ and St. Brendan’s. St. Brendan’s is where funerals of those sailors whom the Sea has eaten and spat back out onto Hybrasil take place. It is a very sombre building, high on a hillock, gazing out to St. Brigid’s like a forlorn spouse. Not a single window adorns it. 

St. Athanasius is, on the other hand, a Catholic Church which wholly avoided the iconoclastic habits of the Reformation, and, since it is lit by pallid faerie-fire, has never had to suffer the shroud of soot seen on many of its fellows. The place is wildly bright and colourful - here the pews are draped in cloth-of-gold. The finery seems inexplicable for this isolated isle, ‘til one learns this is the only church in western Europe to offer the Holy Communion to fairies and elves. 

Both churches are the responsibility of the Archbishop of the Mare Perditum, assigned here by the Vatican about fifteen years ago. Archbishop Lagadec is sort of like a palaeolithic, Breton prototype of Brian Blessed - he seems from a distance to mostly consist of a beard and a cassock, except when he dresses in his episcopal vestments for Mass. The Hybrans mistook him for a Satanazian wose at first sight, which is how he first began to dream of sending salvation to that island. Among the Hybrans, nobody could be more popular - he is a beloved shepherd (literally and metaphorically). He likes to argue theology with Patriarch Alaric of Antillia, when he can get a letter to the island. He has been kidnapped into Faerie at least thrice, and each time returned within the month - mostly unharmed, aside from the second time, when his eyes arrived home some five months after the rest of him. 

0209 - MĂ©arĂłgg - The fingerstone, a little islet. Mythically, it was once home to a beithir, but the Hybrans claim they killed it by filling a sheep with sulphur and feeding it to the beast, causing it to explode. The sheep-trick is a common tale, though, and there’s no particular evidence of it. What there is evidence of is the habitation of a giant in some ancient time - a huge house built of black hexagonal bricks, just like the Causeway, in which stands a great bread oven you could roast an elephant in. Whomever the Fingerstone Giant was, there’s no sign of them these days, save potsherds as thick as your arm.

0303 - Priest’s Hills - Out here, Hybran priests once lived in secluded bothies, in solemn contemplation of Nature and God. Archbishop Lagadec spends Summer out here when he can, tending a literal flock of sheep, keeping away rare-but-dangerous Most Weasel (mustela diabolus) with a firm application of crook and fist. 

0304 - Road to Killuntrae - A raised road of old stones crosses a peat bog. Peat-cutters work daily to supply the island’s cookfires, and toss over their shoulder the fairy gold they turn up from the earth at their task. Tis better to cast back that stuff, lest it haunt ye. 

0306 -  West Coill Dubh  - An ancient, twisted forest. Here they say the Most Weasels lair, slithering about in dark tunnels under the roots that they violently conquered from Hybrasil’s now-extinct stocky badger (meles crassum). This habit has led the Hybrans to refer to the Scots, English and Welshmen sent to loot their shores as the “weaselmen” - an assessment that’s hard to argue with. Except if you are, in fact, a shimmer-furred Most Weasel, who have a habit of devouring incautious foreigners that go too far into the Coill Dubh. 

0307 - East Coill Dubh - Slate cliffs and pebbled shores where hermit crabs fight for shells under a prehistoric old-growth wood. Here the wind only blows from behind you, except when you really need your footing (such as at a cliff’s edge), when it changes direction sharply. An attempt at a lighthouse was made here by the British, beginning in 1804, but fairies drove three consecutive keepers insane, and the structure was abandoned to the weasels and the redcaps. 

0402 - North Nipuch - The Nipuch forest was first settled by Mi’kmaq sailors hundreds of years ago. Their descendants note how they brought with them the porcupines (erethizon dorsatum) now found only here - a sort of counter-animal to the sinuous Most Weasel, which will devour a man, but balk at these kingly rodents. In this, the migrant rodent becomes a symbol for the Hybran people. 

0403 - East Nipuch - A once-dense and trackless wood, now thoroughly trod. Three logging camps run by the weaselmen cut ancient trees to serve as ship-masts. The loggers are mostly Indian indentured labourers, very far from home and treated very poorly. The superintendents of the logging camps each are third sons, all out here because it is preferable to their being at home. They treat their “territory” in the Nipuch wood like a kingdom, and lead their loggers in mad battles against the others’ to preserve their claims. 

0404 - Burntmoor - Trails of burnt land run through the moorland, from the hills to the sea. Nothing will ever grow on the paths of Burntmoor, and the road takes a wide stretch to avoid them - here the heavy-lidded eye of old Balor BĂ©imnech burnt the land in Fomorian times, his great eyelid lifted by four of his soldiers.

0405 - The Nemeton - An ancient sacred grove, older than written history. The draoidh of the island pronounce judgement in local law here - they hold great sway even among the Christian Breasail, who see no particular problem with combining the traditions. Their arguments with Archbishop Lagadec are forceful, but ultimately good-natured - whereas what they did to Governor Barnet was forceful, but not at all good-natured. No-one meaning harm to Hybrasil can step into the Nemeton, or a fairy arrow balanced on a high tree instantly flies into their left eye and strikes them dead. They say the stone arrowhead is a fragment of the slingstone Lugh Lamhfada put through Balor’s eye. 

0503 - South Nipuch - Dense old-growth forest, crossed by no road and full of cairns. Here stand statues of a Danu king with a silver hand, Nuada, and here walk leannan sith with beauty like the dawn and teeth like wolves. They’re out here looking for a Tam Lin of their own. Thus, travel through this place is conducted only on Sunday, when the sidhe are banished or at Mass.  

0504 - Hermit’s Hill - A wild old man with a crooked staff lives up here on this bare hillock above the forest. Burnt in ancient times and never re-grown, only little round rabbits and wildflowers really thrive up here. The old man, whose name is long forgotten, is as old as Methusaleh and about as wise, though he owns nothing but a staff,  and a robe to wear in church on Sundays. What need has he of possessions, though? God charges no rent, and the people of the island are happy to contribute food to him in any season, even in Winter, when he walks atop the snows and speaks with ancestor-ghosts from Eire and Mi’kma’ki.   

0505 - Pastures - Normally, colonisation brings rats and pigs. Neither can withstand the fearsome Most Weasel, for which a rat is a nice bite that lives in easily accessible places, and a pig is a fine meal that’s easy to surprise. Out here, on the pastures, are sheep in their bleating hundreds. 

0603 - Amasamkiaq - A Hybran village on the west coast where they speak (a dialect of) Mi'kmaq. Sailors crossed the ocean hundreds of years ago, to settle here at about the same time as the Ui Breasail. In most places, the Mi’kmaq language fused with the Gaelige to produce the heady Hybran dialect, save this isolated village on a slatey cove, where the locals still speak the old tongue. The village is run, in effect, by a very competent wizard by the name of Nakuset, who turned down membership in the Peerage Obscure, haunts the dreams of the mencey of Mayda, and plays dice with the kraken on the last Saturday of every month, out there in the deeps. You should see the size of the dice. 

0604 - Road to Amasamkiaq - A narrow stone road winds through a deep forest valley full of waterfalls, small stone bridges, sidhe cairns, dead drops, and cairns you ought never enter. Travel without a local guide is inadvisable. 

0605 - Gort Roisin (and surrounding villages) - West of Williamsport lies the largest Hybran town on the island, named after one St. Roisin, who is the town’s patron saint. St. Roisin came here from Falias, a city in Faerie - she herself half a daoine sith, she made a number of miracles that were impossible by fairy magic and came to be considered a folk saint by the Hybrans - even with her cloven hooves. 

Gort Roisin is a picturesque little town, always crowded with livestock, fed by a clear burn, and full of depictions of the Little Rosy Saint. Archbishop Lagadec’s huge popularity began when he agreed that Roisin ought to be canonised, and sent her case to the Vatican. This is the only part of Hybrasil that visiting sailors and imperial officials will go to without an armed guard. 

0606 - Williamsport - Residence of the British Governor of Hybrasil, Samuel Vinclair. Vinclair is a member of the House of Vinclair, a very old dynasty of Norman wizards who would like to be known for their divinatory prowess but are mostly known for hereditary porphyria and supporting the wrong claimants in Civil Wars. He was reassigned here by the Peerage Obscure to get him out of the way - a war is brewing, and nobody wants Vinclair’s support. He has constant nightmares of being sacrificed on a stone table, because that is what he assumes the rebel Hybrans did to Governor Barnet, his predecessor.. He is wrong - what they did to him was much, much worse. 

Williamsport itself is a dreary town built around a breakwater, with a wall warded every five paces with a massive iron crucifix. Each gate consists of three thresholds, and every Sunday the town priest goes around and casts salt. All of this to make grey, wet Williamsport free of sidhe, and safe for drunk sailors of the Secret Navy to piss on walls and leer at the locals unpleasantly. 

The Governor’s manor crouches on a high stone hill above town, an ancient building retrofitted with modern amenities. Once, the King of Hybrasil lived in this house, and Vinclair is unhappy to report that his soul has not gone on to the home of Donn, but instead haunts the stony halls, demanding a drink of water, his dogs, and his wife, in that order. Worsening the Governor’s mood is his guest - An ambassador from pale and sunken Ys is visiting, a glassy-eyed prince with an unpleasant smile. He hasn’t given his name (a habit from dealings with Faerie), and won’t explain to Vinclair why he’s here, and not in London. 

0704 - Sinner’s Graves - Who rests til Judgement Day in the ten tombs in this dark and tangled forest? None can say for sure, but the Hybrans know they were evil. Most agree (incorrectly) that the largest tomb where youths are dared to creep around the haunted stones belongs to Judas Iscariot. 

0705 - Cnoc Fuar - A Hybran town on the far side of a high hill, where Williamsport can’t keep an easy eye on it. A dense collection of dark stone houses with tall thatched roofs, inhabited by clannish Breasail. There are a great many shapeshifters among the people of Cnoc Fuar, and any pig, dog, most weasel or seagull you see could be the chief, the thatcher, the draoidh or even the priest. 

0706 - Road to Cnoc Fuar - A very old stone road, crossing intermixed heath and wetland. The road is falling apart, for now - Governor Vinclair’s phobia of ritual sacrifice prevents him from putting too much force into fixing it - this fits the people of Cnoc Fuar fine - they’ve never much needed roads. 

0707 - Empty Coast - The forested coast southeast of Williamsport, where a few villages are now in ruins, and a coal-mine cuts into the earth. This place was the site of a massacre during the British conquest of the island, led by a Scot called Campbell, who left the island in 1804, and died in his home via violent decapitation in 1809. As he may have himself said, in a nationalistic way - nemo me impune lacessit.  

0709 - Wickanach - A Hybran town of herring fishers on a high, rocky island. Under sparse tree cover, herrings dry on racks by icons of the Erlking and the Cross. Wickanach is best known for her meanest daughter, Cloch, a Hybran… guerilla? Assassin? Knight? Regardless of her title - she’s currently loose in London. 

0803 - Kernewek Tombs - Ancient tombs of Cornish sailors  dot the strip of land between Loch na Soilse and the Atlantic. Back then, the Horned Welsh still had horns, you see, and sometimes you’ll see them poking out of the soil in the shallow graves. Who buried them? It was before the Breasail. Perhaps the Sidhe took a dislike to them. 

0804 - Loch na Soilse - A freshwater lake inside an island in the sea, full of rare radiant smelt (osmerus candidus), that glow under the water like swimming stars. Incomparably delicious, the fish are barred to eat except by direct permission of the sidhe. Any breaking of the agreement not sharply punished will bring down faerie wrath on the island. Fish-theft is more of a sin than a crime, to the Hybrans, and it was half of the reason they did what they did to Governor Barnet. Governor Barnet and his bloody fishing rod!

0805 - Sachati Forest - A managed pine forest south of Williamsport, home to about ten Hybran villages. For the last three years, each year, men from these villages have engaged in a running match of football - one goal is the Fairy Caves in 0904, and the other is the front door of the governor’s mansion in Williamsport, in 0606. They do this to demonstrate their cheerful disdain for both great powers that hold Hybrasil in their sway. It remains to be seen which will retaliate first. 

0806 - Ruins of Forte de SĂŁo Barinto -  The remains of a Portuguese fort, built here in the 1770s to watch over the old port to the southwest. Now a haunted (literally) pile of stones, surrounded by the slouching ruins of bloodstained houses. Whatever angered the sidhe, nobody now recalls - save maybe the ghosts. 

0807 - Aisling’s Head - Named for Aisling, a princess of the Ui Breasail whose dreamlike castle stood here, filled with many treasures looted in a life of raiding the Hebrides, Iceland, Thule and Britain. In 1805, she tricked the sidhe into “stealing” her entire castle, dragging it to Falias in Faerie overnight. Of course, she desired this, and left behind only a few messages, unpopular cousins and rude graffitis. They say she’ll be back with a sidhe army and a sidhe husband any year now - they’re right. 1867, pencil in the date. She won't have aged a day. 

0902 - Awochweijit - This isolated highland of steep cliffs and large oaks is home to a species of absolutely gigantic dazzletrap spiders (Cteniza silvanophagus). They are perfectly harmless to humans, because their main food is fairies. The dazzling patterns on their backs are irresistible to a pixie or a redcap, and their argyric venom is a nasty paralytic. Faerie has a story about a beloved Danu king who drove the spiders out of Faerie, just like Padraig did for the snakes of Eire. They are allowed to exist here, by the princes of Faerie, because, when it comes down to it, their venom is just too useful.

0904 - Fairy Caves - Don’t go uninvited. Better yet, don’t go in. These caves go down, down, and up, up, to Faerie, to the land of the Faerie city of Finias. The Sluagh Sidhe, with burning spears and horses of air, use this road to arrive in our world, a manleather boot never once touching the gravel, to scour the shore and seas for fugitives, foes and sport. If you see them in the air above the hills - start praying. It’ll serve you better than running. 

0905 - Ruins of Porto Ibra - A Portuguese port town, built in the location of a village of Euskaldunak people, cleared out of here at the point of a musket. This mistreatment very much offended the Sidhe, who descended on the settlers of Porto Ibra like wild animals, killing many and driving the rest back up into the Fort on the hill - then declared any human that laid down their head to sleep here would be hunted. It took a few incidents for the original locals to realise that meant them, too. 

0909 - Slige - An islet home to the mound-manor of an exiled sidhe prince. The Hybrans call him the Fluting Prince, for the eerie music that heralds his presence. The great mound-manor, which appears to the uninitiated as a simple heap of dirt, is covered all in seashells from this and other oceans, that glitter nacre and black. Thousands of dead crabs, tortoises, mollusks, bivalves, and other shelled things dot Slige’s beaches, rotting and rotting for the pleasure of the Prince. On the north shore, made from black stone, there stands a statue of Mannanan mac Lir, his eyes each a pearly shell from some Faerie sea. 

1002 - Coill Clais - Here, deep pits dug by the dazzetrap spiders dot the landscape. Each is just wide enough for a person to fall into, and around 20 metres deep. Usually, they are obscured by shrubbery. Few people travel through Coill Clais. 

1003 - Fomorian Tombs - Immense court cairns made of black volcanic stone and decorated with the standing femurs of giants dot the landscape, like ships at sea. The treasures inside are all aluminium, the magic metal of the ancient Fomor sages, which, at this point in history, is worth far more than gold, due to being rarer. You have until about 1888 to cash in on that, if you don’t mind having your skin eaten by angry fomorian ghosts. 

1006 - Aio - A town on a small islet called Iomaire.The population are mostly Euskaldunak in culture, and speak a Euskara-Hybran creole. Aio is strung out along a narrow valley in Iomaire’s middle, which has always been a place of refuge for the islanders. Aio is a town famous for its musicians, who can always be relied upon to sing a soothing song for whatever sidhe has come raging through from the otherworld with mayhem on their mind. 

1007 - Coill Aio - The narrow valley continues east, cutting into the managed food forest of the people of Aio. Unlike the forests of the big island, Coill Aio is practically idyllic, and certainly better lit. Governor Barnet used to hunt here - when he arrived, he had foxes released onto Iomaire, to serve as game. Now, the foxes are everywhere. The Hybrans were furious, not because of anything to do with ecology, but because the stupid weaselman had betrayed their location to Reynard the Fox. That was the other half of why they did what they did to him. 

1103 - Cape Brendan - Here, high on the cape, is the tomb of St. Brendan. He was returned to his famous island as a protection of having his body dismembered for relics, something he feared. His body was recorded as being buried at Clonfert, but that’s a bluff - it’s here, high on the cape in a humble stone cist beneath a cairn, the body of the Navigator. The Ysian sea-compasses don’t point north - they point towards him. Pray, really pray to him, and he’ll guide you onwards - to Mayda, Antillia, Satanazes, Avalon - 

Or even Cuba, if you like.